Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I suck at this ;)

Well here we are in May already. Where has time gone? This time of year finds us in baseball season. I have ball 5 days a week!!!! So needless to say I am very very busy!! But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Through ball I've been able to meet some great people who have become great friends!! 

My RA is kicking my trash lately and I've been put back on my weekly self injections along with my monthly IV infusions. The weekly injection is methotrexate. It is chemo. Needless to say I feel like junk. I can't even imagine getting IV bags full of that stuff. I will be headed to the U in a few weeks to talk with a liver specialist about some very abnormal test results. Then surgery on my shoulder. I know you wish you could be me ;)

Now on to the good stuff!! The kids! 
Jacelyn had her first birthdayFebruary 15th. It was so much fun having all of our family and some close friends here. She is running everywhere and loves her baby dolls. She has her best buddy Lila over a few times a week and it's so fun watching them play. She LOVES animals especially this stray cat that showed up. Moms not such a big fan of it.

Jailey finally had her birthday!!! She was so excited for it to be her turn. We went bowling and the red pepper (Chilies) to eat. She is so excited cause she hit her 100 book mark at school and got to pick out of the treasure box. She is such a big helper with the baby.

Jordyn is starting to get a little attitude but she is such a sweetheart most days. She loves being outside and hates being in the house. She is also a big help with the baby and is loving coach pitch. She hits the ball too! Not sure why I'm surprised but I was.

Mr. Wyatt is getting to big. He is so excited to be playing real baseball this year. He loves it! We are also gonna see about getting him signed up for some flag football. He is all boy! But he is still my tender hearted little boy who hates to see anyone sad or hurting. He is a protector! 

Jake is working down by Vegas and we were able to go stay with him over spring break. That trailer isn't as big as I remember it being. He'll be working on that job till November. He is liking it for the most part, a big plus is he is working out of a helicopter some days.  

I became an auntie again when my brothers wife had there little boy. He came way early at 25 weeks but he is doing awesome. He will be three weeks old Friday. He is such a miracle. His name is Kaicen and he weighed 2 pounds 2 ounces. He is such a beautiful baby. 

Well I hope to keep this thing updated a little better. Have a awesome summer!! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 is gone and 2013 is here!!

Okay so I realize I am horrible at blogging! One of my New Year Resolutions it to become better by blogging at least once a month and maybe a little more if the need arises!  I have friends who are wonderful at it and I am failing miserably at it! So with it being a new year I would like to start fresh.

    So here we are at the beginning of another year yet again. Where does the time fly?!?  I am having a very hard time believing my baby will be a year old in a month and a half!! Wyatt turned 9 on December 2nd and Jordyn turned 7 on December 23rd! How did they get to be so old!! Better question is how did I become so old!  Jailey is anxiously awaiting her 6th birthday in April. 

    I truly have the best kids a mother could ask for!! They make my job easy. While they are not perfect they are pretty dang close to it. They are all sick right now but that just means mom get to love on them a little while longer. 2 extra days of Christmas break for this family!!

    Christmas was very good to us! The kids all got spoiled and so did I!! Jake got me an Ipad and I was a little mad that he spent so much but its kind of nice to have a fun toy. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it. The best gift I got tho was having him home for a week and a half. Even if he was sick.

    So far my RA is okay I guess. I was suppose to go in Friday for my monthly dose of immune suppressants but because of some funky test results I have to wait on it.  Hopefully the second opinion will be back this week and I can get the all clear signal so I can start them again. These VERY COLD temps that popped up on us these last couple days are kind of making me hurt a little. I'm very happy that I've been able to only need the one IV a month and not have to take the nasty pills and self injection like I had to do before I got pregnant with Jacelyn.

    Jacelyn is growing like a weed. Her surgery last summer went very well! The surgeon said it went even better than he thought it would and let us go home after a few hours of observation instead of making us stay the night. Primary Children's is an awesome hospital and I am so happy we are so close to such great medical care. 

    Jailey is still the little spitfire!! You never know what she is going to say next.  She is doing great in school and meeting all of her goals. Only one thing we need to work on and that is talking A LOT!! Can't imagine where she gets that from ;-)

   Jordyn is turning into a little young lady! She is growing up too fast! She is such a big help with the baby and is almost like a little mother.  She is doing excellent in school and is almost to smart for her own good! She  is starting to get noticed a little by the boys and I'm not okay with that but I guess its a part of growing up.

   Mr. Wyatt is getting way to big!! My baby boy is now 9! I can still remember when we were expecting him and wanted him to hurry up and get here. Now he is 9!! Ugh I want them all to slow down and stay little. Wyatt loves school and he is doing so well!! He is one that wears his heart on his sleeve and hates to disappoint anyone. He is a people pleaser. And beings that he is surrounded by girls he is an all around boy! Loves Lego's and shooting things! Just like his daddy ;-)

    Well I hope the holiday season found everyone in good spirits and that everyone had a safe holiday!  Here is to a happy and healthy 2013!!