Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Three: Something You have to forgive yourself for.

     Well this one is hard and easy at the same time.  There are a lot of things I need to forgive myself for but finding one that I am comfortable sharing is really hard.  But I think that the one I picked is okay to share.

     I need to forgive myself for not being healthy.  I have thought for a very long time that my actions in the past have created my health problems today.  It is nothing that I have done that caused me to get the disease that I have.  I feel like because I am sick all the time I am a burden on my husband and family.  If I was healthy I could work and maybe Jake wouldn't have to work as hard or long as he does now.  I feel bad cause I can't hike and do the things we did when we were dating.  I need to forgive myself and try to be as healthy as I can be.

     I know my answers are not as good as my first one and reading these may be boring but somethings I just can't type on here because people will and can take them out of context.  But by doing this I am being forced to look deeper and see all the other things that I need to forgive myself for.  And whether it is on here or something I am dealing with alone I feel like I am finding out things that I never knew about myself.

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.
Day 2: Something you love about yourself.
Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14: A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15: Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16: Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18: Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19: What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22: Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24: Make a play list to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25: The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27: What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28: What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
 Day 30: A letter to yourself: tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Em,
    You amaze me, balancing three kids and a hubby and with all the challenges you face with your health. My favorite quote is "what does not kill us makes us stronger." It really is true, and I remind myself of that whenever I think I am being weak. You must be a very strong person after all the challenges you have faced and conquered.

    PS- Who cares if somethings are taken out of context after you put them on your blog? It's YOUR blog, and YOUR story. You should put YOUR truth on it.
